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SunAir Awnings
The Sunair retractable patio awning system is our most popular model. This model combines the highest quality materials in the industry, with custom options and colors.

Additional Shade Features—The valance plus is an optional roll down drop valance. This valance is great for extra shade on western exposures when the sun is low on the horizon. Max height is 4 ft. on valance.
Variety of Mesh Fabrics—Available with Ferrari Soltis 86 or Recscreen 5000P. You can also choose an acrylic fabric. Darker mesh fabrics will block the sun, and also maintain some view through the fabric. Not maximum width different fabrics.
Shade Features Available in Many Sizes—Valance Plus is available manual with a maximum projection of 13’ and 11’ 6” motorized.
Ease of Use—Available motorized or manual.

Custom sizes up to 18' wide x 22' 11" projection
Available in custom sizes up to 40 ft wide x 14 ft projection
Available in 9 different powder coat frame colors
Available manual or motorized with wind sensors and remote control
Available in hundreds of fabric colors
Backed by a 15 year limited frame warranty, 10 year fabric warranty and a 5 year motor warranty
Cross Arm Support—
If the area on the wall to mount the awning on is very narrow, but a larger projection is desired, the Sunair XP with crossover arms offers the ability to overlap the arms in order to fit larger projection arms onto a narrow frame. This cross-arm version is available when the projection exceeds the width. Do note that the roller assembly is 15” tall requiring a larger valance. Example: Above awning is 11’ wide by a 13’ projection.

We are dedicated to making your home more beautiful, comfortable, and valuable through our award-winning workmanship. Expect our commitment to using only the highest quality windows and materials in every job we handle, to remaining up-to-date with the latest industrial innovations, and to going about our work with the utmost professionalism.